Our Story

We began our ministry as a group in 2009, following an introduction to Theology of the Body course,  “Theology of the Body for Teens” DVD series, facilitated by Marie-Anne te Brake at a Johannesburg parish. The impact of this introduction was so profound that we soon found that we wanted to delve deeper to understand more about ourselves, our lives and, unexpectedly, we found that we hungered to know more about our faith. Before we knew it, a study group of about 30 of us formed and began to meet once a week at Marie-Anne’s home, with the aim of learning more about Theology of the Body(TOB) and St John Paul II. 

Strong friendships were formed during this fellowship time and our Catholic faith was reignited. We soon discovered that we could not keep this teaching to ourselves- We discovered a deep desire to spread it – to family, friends and our parishes. And so In 2010 we began sharing this message of love in the divine plan. We facilitated DVD courses and seminars (or retreats) over weekends for, predominantly, the youth of local parishes and then other diocese around the country and beyond. Our enthusiasm also led to giving talks at schools.

We have addressed thousands of people from all walks of life since these early days and over the years have organised and hosted popular international speakers like Damon Owens, Jason Evert and Christopher West to share their knowledge of TOB with us in South Africa. 

People ask what it is about TOB that inspires so many young Catholics to live a life closer to God. We believe it to be an encounter with Truth. In a world that tells young people that they will find happiness and fulfillment in feelings, momentary pleasures and instant gratification, TOB offers an encounter with the Truth. The explanation of the “whys” behind the “whats” appeals to the way we are wired today. No longer do we want the rules, we want the reason behind them. And while this makes it a little more complicated to speak about the Catholic faith, it opens up a whole new opportunity to live a deeper understanding and appreciation for what we have as Catholic Christians, and the depth of God’s real plan and will for us.

The teaching of the Catholic church on morality and sexuality is the truth that young people are longing to hear. TOB uses a subjective approach to teaching these objective truths, which it is able to because we all share in God’s original design, which is stamped in our bodies as male and female.

The human person is who we are and our understanding of this has highlighted the impact of the world-view on the moral life. The TOB SA ministry has found it has had to open its arms to areas of counseling and support and now also represents Rachel’s Vineyard Abortion healing weekend seminars in Johannesburg.

“You are not who they say You are” -Pope Saint John Paul II

– Dean Spiller